Dr. Tahir B. Sulaik, Secretary of Health of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), said that “eminent Muslim Scholars have issued Fatwas (Islamic Rulings) declaring that cultivating and/or trading and/or smoking tobacco or cigarette is undoubtedly Haram (forbidden) in Islam and that the Supreme Council of Darul-Ifta of the Philippines based in Cotabato City unanimously ruled that cigarette smoking is deemed Haram.”
This statement is embodied in his letter to House Deputy Minority Leader Didagen Dilangalen to support tobacco control legislation, particularly House Bill 3364 or the Picture-Based Health Warning on Cigarette Labels bill which is still pending despite the Philippine deadline for compliance under the international treaty laws (or the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control) last September 2008.
This timely announcement boosts the anti-tobacco efforts of various sectors this month – the No Smoking Month.
Photo from the Internet.
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